Privacy Policy

What We Promise About Privacy:

Our top priority at Antivirus LLC Powered By Techdrive Support  is to protect the privacy of our website visitors. As this privacy statement says, we are committed to using any information users give us in a responsible way. We explain how we handle the information we get from you so that we can protect your privacy. Changes to policies:We can change this policy at any time, and any changes will be noted on this page. 

Getting the data:

We might get the following information:— Your name, address, phone number, email address, and information about your credit or debit card.How to Use the Collected Data:The information we collect helps us figure out what you need and make our services better. To be more specific, we use it for– Keeping records for the company.
– Making our services and goods better.
—Sending emails about new goods, deals, or useful information as advertising.
– Looking into the market and following up with clients through a variety of avenues.
— Making changes to our website so that it fits the needs of each person.

Steps taken for safety: Antivirus LLC Powered By Techdrive Support  is dedicated to keeping your information safe by using the right procedural, technical, and physical security means to stop anyone else from accessing or sharing it without your permission.

Taking care of personal data:

There are choices for users about how their personal data is collected and used:By using the “opt-out” options on web forms, people can stop getting direct marketing messages.
by sending an email to [email protected] to change the settings for direct marketing contacts permissions.
We don’t give, sell, or rent out personal information about our users without their permission, unless the law or a deal says we have to.
Sometimes, we may need to share personal information with software providers in order to meet marketing agreements or activate subscriptions. Users may get this kind of information if they choose to get marketing emails from outside sources.

Getting to and changing personal information:

Users can ask us for information about the personal information we have about them in line with laws like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of 2001. There might be a small fee for this service. If people have questions or want to make changes to their personal information, they can contact us at (732) 314-6563.

Notifying Antivirus LLC Powered By Techdrive Support  right away of any information that might be missing or wrong lets them make the necessary changes.